Full Time Virtual Assistant (VA) = $100 Weekly
Monthly Subscription |
Working 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week.
(Ideal for Webmaster Having Several Sites For example Several Micro Niche sites OR Webmaster wants to do link building for several sites OR Any one who is Reselling High quality SEO/Link building Services)
We are proudly offering Full Time/Part Time Trained Virtual Assistant Services. ( VA Services)
- No other Cost involve except the cost of VA. ( Again NO Captcha cost Or any Hidden cost.)
- No need to buy Any software’s.
- No need to train them.
- No need to supervise them.
- No need to monitor them.
VA work for 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week. Working hours 11 AM to 7 PM (G.T.M. + 5.30)
The only thing you need to do is:
- Send mail & a ton of your work to our VA’s official mail.
- Check the daily or weekly reports. Weekly reports are better ( let them work for a week, and report u on Saterday)
- If they are making any mistakes, then notify me so we can fix the issue
All Trained Virtual Assistant have unlimited Access to All The Above software’s
- moz (seomoz)
- ahrefs
- Market Samurai ( keyword Research)
- SpinRewriter/ TheBestSpinner
- Animoto ( Videos)
- WebCEO
- Internet Business Promoter (IBP)
- Animoto
- SpinRewriter
- Captcha Sniper
- Senuke X And Seo Link Robot
- Sick Submitter
- Blog Network (SeoLinkVine, MyArticleNetwork, FreeTrafficSystem)
- Article Marketing Robot
- PAD Worker & PromoSoft
- Bookmarking Demon
- socialmonkee
- UltimateDemon
- Backlink energizer
- Lindexed
All The above software’s and the Servers/ VPS Cost over $500 Per Month
Communication with the VA
- Chat (skype): we will give u a VA and provide you his id
- Email: we will give u his email id.
How Many Sites A Full Time VA and Part Time VA Can do in a month?
Full Time Virtual Assistant (VA) Can do Eight (8) PACKAGE 1 OR Four (4) PACKAGE 2
Part Time Virtual Assistant (VA) Can do Four (4) PACKAGE 1 Or Two(2) PACKAGE 2
What Else VA can do?
Virtual Assistant or Trained SEO Virtual Assistant Can do any thing related to SEO
VA can perform All the above task-
- Package 1 or Package 2 ( according to your instructions)
- Linking Building according to Your instructions (Web 2.0 – Link wheel, Link Pyramid or Link Magnets)
- Article Marketing ( Submit to the Above Blog networks, or submit with AMR or both)
- Video Marketing
- Social Bookmaking
- Social Media Marketing
- On Page + Onsite SEO ( Best SEO Practice After Google Updates [Panda & Penguin] )
- SEO for eCommerce
- Local SEO- citation
In short, Virtual Assistant (VA) can do any thing related to SEO or Social Media Marketing. OR You can hire VA for any above specific task, VA can do Linking Building according to Your instructions or you can Simply opt for Package 1 or Package 2.
If you have any questions or concerns, or you are looking for some thing else, then do contact me by
LuckyMan ( For Any Thing)
Email id: luckyman@luckydigitals.com
Skype: luckyman4ever
Phone: 91-512-2585000
Mobile:91-9984399470 Project head ( For Any Thing related To Your Project)
Email id: va@luckydigitals.com
Skype: luckyseova Project head Creative ( For Any Thing related To Videos, Slides, Podcast etc)
Email id: SEOVACreative@luckydigitals.com
Skype: seovacreative Project head Creative ( For Any Thing related To Artciles, Keyword desnity etc)
Email id: SEOVACreative@luckydigitals.com
Skype: seovawritter
Email id: luckyman@luckydigitals.com
Skype: luckyman4ever
Phone: 91-512-2585000
Mobile:91-9984399470 Project head ( For Any Thing related To Your Project)
Email id: va@luckydigitals.com
Skype: luckyseova Project head Creative ( For Any Thing related To Videos, Slides, Podcast etc)
Email id: SEOVACreative@luckydigitals.com
Skype: seovacreative Project head Creative ( For Any Thing related To Artciles, Keyword desnity etc)
Email id: SEOVACreative@luckydigitals.com
Skype: seovawritter
Call US at Phone: 91-512-2585000, 91-512-2583188, 91-512-2581273