Tester Package
One Campaign
2 Keywords
Total Links
Tier 1 – 6
Tier 2- 1000
Link Value
Tier 1 – High
Tier 2- Low
( One Off Order ) |
After Ordering Instructions 1. Update the thread with comments along the lines of…. ” Tester Service ordered’ etc. 2. Send us an email (Email id: luckyman@luckydigitals.com) with your order details. 3. Provide to us the required information. 4. Your Order Number 5. Email Address For Reports Disclaimer: We take the freedom of choosing who we want to do business with and the freedom of rejecting any campaigns to prevent possible scams and problems. Information required – URL: – Two keywords – Addition keywords for Tags – Email Address (For Reports) Optional – Article (s) Attached – Article Resource Box – Images, for Image sharing site, Power Point slides, and for Videos.
Tier 1 Links
Web 2.0 – Social Networks
Number of Articles= 1
Total Links 5 Manually Create Do Follow Contextual Back Links On Sites Like Blogspot, tumblr.com, wordpress.com
Open Link Wheel of Web 2.0
Link Value : Moderate-High
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- Create account on sites like Blogspot, tumblr.com, wordpress.com and Many others.
- After 48 hours, Post 500 to 600 word Quality Article, with keyword density around 1% to 2%, with Proper H1, h2 tags
- Added Videos, Images And Other Content.
- On page SEO Score Around 75% Or above.
- Linked with Fanpages, youtube channels, etc
- In this way, we have High Quality Web2 Sites, Pointing to our Buffer Sites ( Fanpages, youtube channels, etc)
HD Video Creation & Submission
Number of Videos= 1
Total Links 1
Links From PR 4 -PR 9 Website.
Link Value : High
[list style=”checks”]
- Create One HD Geo target videos with the help of Animoto or Camtasia
- Create YouTube Geo target Channel (Profile & Channel)
- Connect with other social accounts
- Submit that/those Videos to YouTube Channel, DailyMotion, MetaCafe, Vimeo And more.
- Share that/those Videos to Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Blogger.
Tier 2 Links
Social Book marking
Number of Articles= 3
Total Links = 1000
Link Value : Low
[list style=”checks”]
- Create Three article of 400-500+ word.
- Spin it with, Spin Rewriter or The Best Spinner, up to 60%-70% + Uniqueness
- Place Two Contextual Links Inside the article. Buffer Sites or Random Link
- Submit to Pligg, PhpDug, Scuttle with Ultimate Demon & Sick Submitter